Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Tetova

Beschreibung des Projektes Deutsch: https://arsimi.ch/paedagogische-fakultaet-der-universitaet-tetova/Përshkrimi i projektit shqip: https://arsimi.ch/sq/paedagogische-fakultaet-der-universitaet-tetova/ Project description In North Macedonia, there is a great need for kindergarten teachers, teachers at all levels and special education teachers. The Faculty of Education at the University of Tetova has recognised this need and, through the ‘Learning through Play’ project, is trying to draw the …

History of Southeastern Europe, from the Early Middle Ages to the Present

Përshkrimi i projektit Shqip: https://arsimi.ch/sq/geschichte-suedosteuropas-vom-fruehmittelalter-bis-zur-gegenwart/Beschreibung des Projektes Deutsch: https://arsimi.ch/geschichte-suedosteuropas-vom-fruehmittelalter-bis-zur-gegenwart/ Project Description The book ‘History of Southeastern Europe’ offers a cross-epochal presentation of the entire Balkan Peninsula, including its maritime environment and the countries of the Hungarian Crown. The focus is not on the history of individual nation states, but on the presentation of the overall …