History of Southeastern Europe, from the Early Middle Ages to the Present

Përshkrimi i projektit Shqip: https://arsimi.ch/sq/geschichte-suedosteuropas-vom-fruehmittelalter-bis-zur-gegenwart/
Beschreibung des Projektes Deutsch: https://arsimi.ch/geschichte-suedosteuropas-vom-fruehmittelalter-bis-zur-gegenwart/

  • Project partner: Publishing house Uptown Albania
  • Objective: Translation from German into Albanian ‘History of Southeastern Europe, from the Early Middle Ages to the Present’
  • Duration: August – October 2024
  • Project amount for printing costs: 6’500.- CHF
  • Amount still needed: 6’000.- CHF

Project Description

The book ‘History of Southeastern Europe’ offers a cross-epochal presentation of the entire Balkan Peninsula, including its maritime environment and the countries of the Hungarian Crown. The focus is not on the history of individual nation states, but on the presentation of the overall regional context. These are important when considering the great empires (Byzantium, Habsburg, Ottoman Empire) that dominated this part of Europe for centuries.

The book is dedicated to the social and cultural history of the region. Special attention is paid to the ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of the region, which is unique in Europe, as well as the processes of ethnic homogenisation in the 19th and 20th centuries.

This heavyweight book offers a comprehensive presentation of the history of Albania in the context of the history of Southeastern Europe. The historical developments are placed within a larger framework. Since the end of Ottoman rule, the Balkan states have cultivated their own heroic stories. Some of these are strongly ideological, especially in the communist tradition.

The ‘History of Southeastern Europe’ published in Germany only deals with nationalism in a short final chapter, but supplements the factual history, social and cultural developments with more general cross-sectional and longitudinal chapters. This enables an unusual view beyond national borders, which is often neglected in national histories.

The author and co-editor, Dr Konrad Clewing, will supplement the preface, the basic data and possibly the epilogue especially for the Albanian edition with the most important dates and events of the past years (2011-2023) in order to meet the demand for up-to-dateness.

The book is aimed at anyone interested in Southeast Europe in general or in comparing this region with other parts of our continent.


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