Donate to your favourite project!

Auf Deutsch:ë Shqip: The ARSIMI association is very pleased to be able to support three very special projects in 2024. These initiatives were selected with great care by the Board of the Association. The projects have the ability not only to change individual lives, but also to strengthen entire communities in the sustainable …

Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Tetova

Beschreibung des Projektes Deutsch:ërshkrimi i projektit shqip: Project description In North Macedonia, there is a great need for kindergarten teachers, teachers at all levels and special education teachers. The Faculty of Education at the University of Tetova has recognised this need and, through the ‘Learning through Play’ project, is trying to draw the …

History of Southeastern Europe, from the Early Middle Ages to the Present

Përshkrimi i projektit Shqip: des Projektes Deutsch: Project Description The book ‘History of Southeastern Europe’ offers a cross-epochal presentation of the entire Balkan Peninsula, including its maritime environment and the countries of the Hungarian Crown. The focus is not on the history of individual nation states, but on the presentation of the overall …

25 Jahre ARSIMI: Zwischen Abschied und Aufbruch

Bei der Jahresversammlung von ARSIMI feierten wir im Karl der Grosse in Zürich nicht nur ein bedeutendes Jubiläum, sondern erlebten auch ehrenvolle Verabschiedungen langjähriger Vorstandsmitglieder und begrüssten junge Talente für die Zukunft von ARSIMI.  Der März stand bei ARSIMI ganz im Zeichen des Feierns: 25 Jahre Bildungsförderung. Ein Vierteljahrhundert, in dem sich unser Verein als …

Annual General Meeting on 9 March at “Karl der Grosse” Zurich

Annual General Meeting on 9 March at “Karl der Grosse” Zurich We are pleased to invite you to our Annual General Meeting on 9 March. In 2024 we celebrate the 25th anniversary of ARSIMI and we have prepared a special programme for you. The multi-award winning documentary “Whose Is This Song? (2003) by Bulgarian filmmaker …